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Ms Maria Kavvadia
Telephone: (+30) 2106203614
Fax: (+30) 2108078342
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ms Maria Kavvadia
Telephone: (+30) 2106203614
Fax: (+30) 2108078342
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“MESONISOS”, Centre of Island & Mediterranean Culture,
Members of the Scientific Community of Faculty of Geology and Geo-Environment, University of Athens &
ΚΕPPEDIH - KAM, Municipality of Chania (Symposium Opening 13/5/2016)
Elisavet Grapsa
Dr. of History, President of “MESONISOS”, Center of Island & Mediterranean Culture
Efthimia Verikiou - Papaspyridakou
Associate Prof. of Physical Geography-Geomorphology, University of Athens
Paraskevi Nomikou
Αssist. Prof. of Physical Geography & Geological Oceanography , University of Athens
Jonh Makris
Associate Prof. Division of Electronics, Technology Educational Institute of Crete
Scientific Committee
Dimitrios Papanikolaou
Prof. of Dynamic, Tectonic and Applied Geology, University of Athens
Grigorios Tsaltas
Prof. of International Law, Rector of Panteion University, Director of the European Center for the Enviromental Reasearch and Training.
Konstantinos Synolakis
Member of Academy, Prof. Natural Hazards Management & Coastal Engineering, Technical University of Crete
Filippos Valianatos
Prof. of Physics Geophysics – Solid Earth Physics, Technological Educational Institute of Crete
Nena Galanidou
Associate Prof., History & Archaeology, University of Crete
Paraskevi Nomikou
Assist. Prof. of Natural Geography & Geological Oceanography, University of Athens
Charalampos Fassoulas
Natural History Museum, University of Crete